Board of Trustees

The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora is an independent charitable trust governed by a board of trustees. The board ensures The Arts Centre fosters, promotes and facilitates interest and involvement in art, culture, creativity, creative industries, entrepreneurship and education.

Murray Dickinson


Murray brings extensive governance and financial experience to his position of Chair of the board. Find out more

Maria Ryan-Young

Board member

Maria returned to her home town of Christchurch in 2020 to take up the position of Managing Director of Harvey Cameron, and joined the board as Intern Director in March 2021. Find out more

Corban Te Aika

Board member

Corban (Ngāi Tahu) was appointed to the board of trustees in July 2021. Find out more

Edward Sparrow

Board member

Ed is a commercial advisor with 30 years’ experience operating with businesses and corporates. Find out more

Clive Antony

Board member

Clive Antony is the Founding Partner at Antony & Mates, a full-service creative agency, and a passionate advocate for the future of Christchurch. Find out more

Stella Ward

Deputy Chair

Stella Ward’s career has focused on technological progress, sound governance, and outcomes-focused people leadership. Find out more

Kathryn Ruge

Board member

Kathryn is Tangata Tiriti of European descent and the Founder of Engaging People, a consultancy that helps leaders cultivate high-trust work environments. Find out more

Senior Management Team

The Arts Centre Te Matatiki Toi Ora employs around 30 staff (22 FTE's) including educators, stonemasons, labourers, creative/programmes, administrators and management staff. They are led by a senior management team headed by the director who reports into the board of trustees. There is also a growing number of Arts Centre volunteers.

Philip Aldridge


Daniel Stirland

Operations Manager

Sheryl Keeley

Finance and Administration Manager

Chris Archer

Creative Director