North Quad
Artist Neil Dawson created the original Echo in 1981 as a temporary sculpture. It was his first public artwork and has proved an enduring favourite.
Korihi te manu (for Reuben)
Title of artwork: Korihi te manu (for Reuben) Artist: Megan Brady (Ngāi Tūāhuriri/Kāi Tahu, Pākehā).
Cloisters Studio
Te Matatiki Toi Ora The Arts Centre is home to half of a two-part public artwork, STAY by acclaimed British artist Sir Antony Gormley.
Tūmanako (Hope) Mural
Te Puni Kōkiri commissioned multidisciplinary artist/designer Mr G (Graham Hoete) to work with local rangatahi youth, resulting in this large community mural for all to enjoy.